The vOICe Third-Party Suppliers

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The external links below refer to third-party suppliers of components for use with The vOICe. No guarantees are given about product quality and the quality of support by these vendors. Recommendations and experiences reported by blind users of The vOICe count heavily in the decision whether or not to include and maintain a vendor link.

ACME the game company, Germany: FlyCamOne2 head-mounted webcam
Mindfold, USA: light-blocking blindfold for The vOICe exercise modes
iFeelPixel, France: tactile feedback to complement The vOICe

Blind users of The vOICe are urged to report about any recommendations and good or bad experiences with vendors.

We are currently looking for suppliers of affordable and rugged USB video sunglasses - sunglasses with a hidden camera - that can be connected directly to a PC's USB port for both the video signal and the camera's power supply (just like one would use a regular plug-and-play USB webcam), and preferably based on a CCD sensor for low-light conditions and with a viewing angle on the order of 90-135 degrees. Existing solutions require using sunglasses that contain an analog camera with the inconvenience of a separate battery pack, USB video capture device, and extra (fragile) wires, although there exist possibilities for easy assembly of a convenient and affordable USB power supply for video sunglasses. USB video sunglasses with two properly aligned hidden cameras would even allow for binocular vision.

We are also looking for suppliers of affordable and good quality non-occluding stereo headphones: headphones that do not cover the pinnae, which otherwise interferes with the natural echolocation abilities of blind people.

Copyright © 1996 - 2024 Peter B.L. Meijer